Nokia Design System

Nokia hero


I conduct research to improve the Nokia Design System. I’m also creating a motion library, building processes for advanced prototyping, refining components and adding documentation.


The Nokia Design System helps to drive and deliver components across 3 different libraries, fully themed, tokenized, and accessible.

I identify how the design system is supporting application designers. My research on documentation led me to expand documentation for two existing libraries (Maps & Charts), create a new Advanced Prototype Library, and reconstruct information architecture.

Some things I’ve worked on:


My passion is building culture and community. Each month, I facilitate a knowledge sharing session, design challenge, and workshop. I’m organizing Nokia’s first Design Week and recently hosted a Design Systems workshop as a part of Toronto Tech Week.

Interested in learning more? Let’s chat.

“Purnima has become a great member of our team. She has shown strong initiative in driving and executing community efforts around the design system, she’s effectively led research and interviews with our users and she’s been pivotal in helping start our first-ever design week event. The work Purnima has done in a short time here on the team has helped the group as a whole mature and create a world-class system that moves beyond buttons and patterns.”

-- Ian Murchison, UX Lead @ Nokia